By Kyle Olson

NEW YORK – Terrorist turned teacher Bill Ayers appeared at a recent Big Apple gathering of “Change the Stakes,” an anti-testing group comprised mostly of teachers and parents. At least two employees of the New York City Board of Education were there as well.

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EAGnews obtained exclusive video of the event and will be releasing more clips in the coming days.

But first we would like to present Ayers’ statement on the power of radical socialist educators in today’s public schools. It should send chills down every parent’s spine.

Ayers explained to his audience that leftists wrongly put their faith in Barack Obama as an agent of change. “Forget about it,” he said, “that’s not where change comes from.”

“When there’s movement on the ground, shit happens,” he said.

“If we want change to come, we would do well not to look at the sites of power we have no access to – the White House, even the Congress, the Pentagon – these are not the sites we have access to.

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“But lo and behold, we have absolute access to the community, the school, the neighborhood, the street, the classroom, the workplace, the shop, the farm – why are we ignoring that and saying ‘I hope Obama makes peace.’ Forget about it. He’s not going to do anything if you don’t do something. Our job is movement building.”

Ayers’ call to action is precisely why we see bizarre things like the California Federation of Teachers’ “Tax the Rich” video or Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel – of all people – being labeled a “fat cat” by the Chicago Teachers Union.

Ayers’ acknowledgement that radical leftists are using classrooms and public spaces to influence children should be a wakeup call to every parent and taxpayer. Educators are paid to teach kids to read, write and think for themselves, not to brainwash them in revolutionary ideology.

Ayers is not an educator. He’s an unconvicted terrorist who wants to use our tax money to further his goal of destroying the greatest nation in the history of the world. And he’s calling on the people teaching your children to assist him.

If we are smart, we will use our leverage as taxpayers to stop this nonsense in its tracks, before it becomes an even bigger problem.