From staff reports
MADISON – The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has been sponsoring a “cultural sensitivity” program for public school teachers in conjunction with the controversial Pacific Educational Group.

EAGnews wants to learn more about the “CREATE Wisconsin” program, and how much it’s costing Wisconsin taxpayers. So it took the logical step of filing a freedom of information request to gain access to various documents regarding the program.

The DPI said it would cost EAGnews $19,969.46 to gain access to the documents.   That outrageous tab caught the attention of, which reported about the issue last week.

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Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction spokesman Patrick Gasper told “We are following the law and responding to a very broad request.”

EAGnews Publisher Kyle Olson said the freedom on information request is warranted because the training, orchestrated with the controversial Pacific Education Group, has been very expensive in other states and could be for Wisconsin, as well. Olson believes taxpayers have a right to know what teachers are being taught and how much it costs.

It shouldn’t cost a news agency a prohibitive amount of money to educate the public, Olson said.

“If Portland spent a half million dollars in a single year with this organization, can you imagine how much a statewide contract like the one Wisconsin has with them would be?” Olson told

“What they’re doing, I’m sure, is legal,” Olson said. “But it’s hard to say you are following the spirit of the law for government transparency when you send a taxpayer a $19,000-plus bill with a straight-face.

“Part of me believes they’re hitting us with this outrageous bill because they do not want the public to see some of the materials we’re seeking,” he added.

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EAG is determined to get to the bottom of the sensitivity training program. Taxpayers have a right to know what kind of Wisconsin State Superintendent Tony Evers is attempting to “create.”