LOS ANGELES  – About 50 million Americans eat fast food on any given day, but this Thursday might be a good day for all freedom-loving citizens to patronize their favorite “quick service” establishment.

That’s because Aug. 29 is the day Big Labor goons have chosen to protest outside fast food restaurants in 20 U.S. cities, including New York, Tampa, Memphis, Chicago, Oakland, Houston, Austin, San Diego and Los Angeles.

Protestors will be demanding that fast food restaurants pay their employees $15 an hour, a hefty increase over the typical minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, reports the Los Angeles Times.

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The other, longer-range goal of the protests is for labor activists to begin organizing the nation’s 3.7 million fast food workers. Big Labor needs them to become dues-paying members to replace the huge number of American workers who have quit their local unions in recent years.

According to Real Clear Market’s Diana Furchgott-Roth, labor union membership has been declining for the past three decades.

Surprisingly, that pace has actually quickened since labor-friendly Barack Obama became president. In 2012, the total unionization rate declined by half a percent, from 11.8 percent of wage and salary workers to 11.3 percent.

“Data show that union membership declined faster during Obama’s first term (1.1 percentage points over four years) than in two terms under President George W. Bush (1.1 percentage points over eight years),” Furchgott-Roth writes.

That brings us to Thursday’s fast food protests, which are being organized and bankrolled by a collection of radical organizations, including the Service Employees International Union, the American Federation of Teachers and the New York Communities for Change – the new name of the disgraced organization formerly known as ACORN.

Since the unions are legally prohibited from engaging in public acts of bullying, they are using rent-a-mob activists from Fast Food Forward and Low Pay Is Not OK to carry out the protests.

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Americans who encounter one of the Thursday protests should keep in mind two important facts.

The first is that fewer than 3 percent of American workers actually make the minimum wage. That is to say, the country is not facing a “minimum wage crisis.”

The other is that 75 percent of fast food workers leave the industry every year, according to the L.A. Times. In other words, most fast food employees are using their time at the local McDonalds to gain some practical work experience and skills before moving on to greener pastures.

That means the fast food industry is serving its purpose in the great economic scheme of things – no matter what those loudmouth, union goons say during their protests.