MADISON, Wis. – In the span of a 90-second interview with, state Sen. Luther Olsen offered numerous excuses why his Joint Legislative Council committee is unlikely to produce an in-depth report about the new Common Core standards, as requested by a provision in the state’s new two-year budget.

Time is running out watchOlsen, a Republican, also made it clear public hearings about the nationalized and experimental learning standards probably won’t occur before the Nov. 1 date, as requested in the new budget.

“(The budget) didn’t say we had to do it, it just said we could,” Olsen told Ryan Ekvall of

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Without a thorough report or public hearings, it will be very difficult for Wisconsin lawmakers to decide whether or not to repeal Common Core. The practical result will be that Wisconsin’s schools will continue to implement the new standards and adapt curriculum for teaching them, leaving critics with virtually no chance to repeal the standards before they take full effect in the 2014-15 school year.

Call it death by delay.

That has Republican state Rep. Jeremy Thiesfeldt upset.

“Superintendent Tony Evers was the sole person who enacted Common Core in the state of Wisconsin,” Thiesfeldt told the news site. “This is going to be the standards of education that can potentially be used for future generation of Wisconsin students, and the Legislature and the public has not had (a) chance to chime in on it.”

That’s precisely the idea of Common Core supporters, who seem surprised and unprepared for the pushback that’s coming from concerned parents and voters.

However, Olsen’s reluctance to vigorously investigate Common Core could be related to the fact that his wife runs an agency that’s paid to implement Common Core.

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Whatever the reason, many Common Core critics are turned off by the Legislature’s foot-dragging ways.

“We, as legislators, sometimes get frustrated because the general public often doesn’t get involved,” Thiesfeldt added. “Here we have a situation where the general public wants to get involved and it seems we in the Legislature are ignoring that.”