EAST LANSING, Mich. – It’s high time our colleges and universities make one thing clear to faculty: You are being paid tax dollars to educate American students, which makes you servants of the public.

My professor is a liberal facist

You are not being paid to spout off about your political philosophy, or try to indoctrinate students into your radical school of thought.

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Brilliant as you may consider yourself, your classroom is not a bully pulpit for your personal views.

College and university administrators shouldn’t stand for it, and taxpayers should demand an end to it. If that means changing tenure laws so full-time professors no longer have ironclad job protections, so be it.

Of course the liberal domination of academia is nothing new. But it’s never been as obvious and obnoxious as it is right now, with a cultural war engulfing the nation and the political climate super charged with anger and mistrust.

The professors are on their soap boxes, ranting about the evil Republicans and greedy corporations and the need for a socialist revolution, as if their points of view are obviously correct and everyone should agree.

And they’re doing it on our dime. Why do we continue to tolerate this nonsense?

‘Business as usual’

No sooner had the fall semester begun when we heard about Michigan State University Professor William Penn, who used his first lecture of the semester in his Integrated Studies in the Arts and Humanities class to berate Republicans, Christians and athletes.

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He reportedly said that Republicans have “raped this country” and have a “racist agenda.” He reportedly called Christians “dumb” and “blind followers.” He reportedly said athletes were wasting their time and that our society glorifies them for no reason.

One student sitting in the front row, Caroline Freeman, is a Republican, a Christian and an athlete. He noticed her frowning over his lecture and called her out, and she very accurately told him he was “being an ass.”

Freeman dropped the class because she was afraid someone of her political and religious persuasion could not get a good grade. How sad is that?

More recently we have the case of David Guth, a journalism professor at the University of Kansas, who tweeted after the recent Navy Yard shooting in Washington, D.C. that “The blood is on the hands of the NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God damn you.”

When challenged by other tweeters, who suggested it was wrong to wish for the death of children, Guth responded, “God’s justice takes many forms.”

It’s true he was speaking on his own time, but this man represents a public university. Students and taxpayers should demand that Guth doesn’t use his prestigious and influential position to make further death wishes against his political opponents.

Then we have the case of William Dorland, director of the honors program at the University of Maryland, who sent a general email to honor students at the beginning of the semester saying, “This year, we learned that it is legal to hunt down and kill African-American children in Florida.”

Does this publicly compensated faculty member realize that many people from different backgrounds and different points of view attend his university? Does he respect other opinions enough to give them equal time

Obviously not.

As Jim Purtilo, a computer science professor at the university, said of the statement, “It’s over the top, but very much business as usual on this campus.”

Anyone who thinks these examples are merely anecdotal, and not representative of any sort of pattern, should check out a recent study about liberal bias among college professors.

One question posed to professors in the study asked if there were two equally qualified candidates for one job opening – one liberal and the other conservative – if they would be biased against the conservative.

“More than a third of the respondents said they would discriminate against the conservative candidate,” the Washington Times reported. “One respondent wrote that if department members ‘could figure out who was conservative, they would be sure not to hire them.’”

‘There needs to be diversity of thought’

Is there room for any type of conservative thought on college and university campuses?

The College Republicans at the University of North Carolina are starting to doubt it. They recently requested $8,000 from the Student Congress to host two guest speakers, including Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich.

The Student Congress cut the allocation to $3,000, the same amount it gave the self-professed anarchist student group “UNControllables.” And the Congress gave $5,000 to the left-wing “Siren Womyn Empowerment Magazine.”

The chairman of the UNC College Republicans said funding for conservative groups has been cut by 75 percent in recent years.

Pavlich said she wasn’t surprised by the disrespect shown to conservative students.

“The very same educational institutions that preach tolerance are the most intolerant of opposing views,” she told Fox News. “This isn’t simply a case isolated to UNC. It’s happening all over the country and has been happening for decades.”

With all of this nonsense going on, EAGnews was pleased to report yesterday that the Board of Regents at the University of Colorado has added political affiliation to its non-discrimination policy.

While several regents stressed that the measure was meant to benefit faculty and students of all political persuasions, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee interpreted the policy change as a much overdue lifeline for campus conservatives.

“Those of us who went to college in the Stone Age may be scratching our heads,” Huckabee wrote on Facebook. “Why would (the Colorado action) be needed? Isn’t college where you’re SUPPOSED to be exposed to all views and debate them openly, so you can learn how to think?

“Sadly, not anymore. The left once complained of being blacklisted for their views. But once they took over college campuses, they became what they hated. They blacklist conservative professors, shout down conservative speakers, and expel students under hate speech codes if they express a non-PC-approved opinion.

“Let’s hope the University of Colorado’s recognition is a first step that makes other colleges realize that ‘diversity’ means more than skin color or sexual orientation. There needs to be diversity of thought, too.”