NEWBURG, N.Y. – Once again, another book that is pornographic in content has been discovered on the exemplar list.

Common-Core-PornMany people do not understand that the Common Core Standards have attached to them a set of appendices. Those appendices have curriculum, list of suggested readings and examples of reading difficulty to which the standards refer. The English Language Arts (ELA) have been controversial for several reasons. One area in which the standards have been controversial is the content of readings.

One book on the list of exemplars that has recently stirred controversy is Black Swan Green. The Daily Caller relates that students are required to read 20 pages of this book. The Newburgh School Board spent $6,000 on the books. The books had not been unpacked to distribute to students when teachers went to the school board to stop the book from being used with high school freshman in that district. The book, written by British author David Mitchell, contains content that is not age appropriate.

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As EAG News reports, English teacher  Jen Costabile presented selections of the book to board members, “in which the narrator, a 13-year-old boy, graphically describes his father’s private parts, as well as a sex act.” The Daily Caller notes that

“…in another section of the book, the narrator watches a couple having sex and details the sounds made by the woman involved.The words “dick,” “cock” or “erect penis” appear on at least 11 separate pages, according to Google.”

Costabile and other teachers felt the book was not appropriate for high school freshman. As Constabile stated to the board, the concerns of teachers was not limited to this one book.

“At least three of the books listed on the modules (curriculums) contain passages using inappropriate language and visual imagery that most people would consider pornographic,”

Two other books,  Dreaming in Cuban, by Cristina García and The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison were also found to have pornographic passages. The links in the text go directly to the passages in question. Dreaming in Cuban is for the 10th grade and The Bluest Eye is for the 11th grade.

Beyond pornographic passages in the books, teachers expressed concerns to the board about other aspects of the curriculum. Art Plichta, Teacher Union President, discussed the many errors in the curriculum and other age inappropriate lessons.  Beth Weeks, a first-grade teacher at the Gardnertown Fundamental Magnet School related that the curriculum is not engaging the students.

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The school district will be sending the books back to the publisher.

How is it that presumably “liberal” teacher unions are exposing the materials and yet those such as Mike Huckabee and Jeb Bush have apparently turned a blind eye to these materials in the curriculum? Curious….

Authored by Allison Martinez – The Free Patriot