CYPRESS, Texas – Parents of a second-grade public school student say their daughter had her Bible taken away by her teacher when the girl attempted to read it during “read to myself” time.

The parents – who have chosen to stay anonymous for fear of retaliation – did not take their complaint to the principal of the school, but went instead to attorneys with the Liberty Institute, a nonprofit group dedicated to defending religious liberty, reports.

Liberty Institute attorneys contacted leaders of the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District, who have since made it clear to employees at Hamilton Elementary School that students are allowed to read the Bible during independent reading time, reports KTRK-TV.

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Since district officials don’t know the student’s name or which teacher’s classroom she is in, they aren’t entirely sure if the alleged incident from two weeks ago actually occurred, reports

Two details add to the mystery of the alleged teacher misdeed. The first is that the elementary school in question has copies of the Bible in its library. That presents an obvious question: Why would a teacher stop a student from reading a book that’s available in the school library?

It’s certainly possible that a left-wing, secular educator would be unbothered by such a contradiction, but that’s speculation at this point.

The other eyebrow-raising detail is the fact that this story comes out of Lone Star State. If we were asked to pick a state in which Bible-reading is encouraged in schools, we would have guessed Texas.

It’s possible that Texas isn’t as socially conservative as it used to be, but that is speculation, too.

District leaders possibly shed some light on the mystery when they noted students are required to read books that are “just right,” meaning they “can read most of the words, comprehend the text, and that it’s appropriate for the genre that is being taught,” reports.

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The Bible might not meet all those criteria for a second grader, but good heavens, adults should be overjoyed whenever kids read a book that instructs them to love their enemies and to exercise self-control. Books don’t get more “just right” than that.

For their part, Liberty Institute officials said in a press release they are pleased the Texas district has reaffirmed its commitment to religious freedom in its schools.

“Clearly, (district officials) take these kinds of situations seriously, and we commend them for their commitment to students’ religious freedom,” said Michael Berry, Liberty Institute Senior Counsel. “It would be great if every school district responded as (Cypress-Fairbanks ISD) has.”