BAKERSFIELD, Calif. – A high school math teacher and a pair of transvestites have been arrested for breaking into a home, stealing a computer and assaulting the homeowner.

Police say former Foothill High School math teacher David Espericueta and two men dressed in women’s clothing stole an Apple computer.

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ABC 23 reports, “When the victim attempted to stop the suspect, the suspect pushed him aside and sprayed him in the face with pepper spray.”

“Deputies say the victim reported the suspect then struck him twice in the back of the head with an unknown object,” the news station says.

The victim then filmed the getaway on his cell phone.

Meanwhile, NBC 17 adds:

Police then tracked the computer to the teacher using Apple technology.

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Espericueta became an interest to police when he shot and killed an intruder in his home earlier this year. Police did not press charges.