CONCORD, N.H. – A bill introduced to the New Hampshire Senate would prohibit the state from requiring the implementation of Common Core education standards, a powerful first step towards a nullification of federal control over education.

Introduced by State Sen. Kevin Avard (R-Nashua), Senate Bill (SB101) succinctly states that Common Core “shall not be required by the department of education or the state board of education to be implemented in any school or school district in this state.”

While passage wouldn’t be an outright ban on Common Core in the state, such a law would move the final decision about the standards to local communities where many advocates of education freedom believe they should be made.

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SB101 has been referred to the Senate Education Committee where it needs to pass by majority vote.

While touted as a state initiative, the federal government is deeply involved in both the formulation and implementation of Common Core, primarily through stimulus funding. The end result is that when you follow the money, it becomes clear that Common Core is a national program.

Constitutionally, the federal government should not be involved in education at all.