WASHINGTON, D.C. – Teachers are Whispering about their students, and what they’re saying is shocking.

“I’m a teacher and I hate when my students tell me about their lives because I honestly don’t care,” one anonymous teacher posted with the Whisper app.

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“Whisper is an anonymous secret-sharing and messaging service for free!” according to the app’s description on Google Play.

The Daily Mail reports teachers from all over are using the app to vent their darkest thoughts about the profession and the students in their charge, and they’re not holding back.

“I’m a kindergarten teacher. I like to predict the future of my students based on their looks and how they behave,” one educator posted.

“I’m a high school teacher and I wish I could tell my students how dumb they are,” wrote another. “Seriously, I don’t know what they’re going to do in life.”

Many of the post reveal that at least some teachers hold personal grudges against students, for various reasons, and seek ways to get back at them. Others admit to trashing students’ homework without reading it, regardless of how much work they put into it.

“Whenever I’m wrong and a student corrects me, I find a way to punish him or her without letting it be obvious,” a teacher posted to Whisper, according to CBS DC.

“As a teacher I find it hard to be nice to the popular girls because I hated them when I was at school …” another wrote.

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Another one of the posts: “I’m a teacher and I hate to admit it but I hate these kids sometimes … and by sometimes I mean usually.”

“Shockingly, one teacher even admits fantasies of violence against students. They discuss the desire to ‘punch a kid right in the face and laugh,’” the Daily Mail reports.

But not all teachers whispering about their students are so cruel-hearted.

A few have also posted positive confessions about students and the job they love.

“I’m a teacher and the biggest way I could let my students down is if they don’t see how much I care about them,” one teacher wrote. “I worry about that more than anything else I teach.”

“My student put me in a better mood,” another posted, “this is why I teach.”

Another teacher wrote that she likes to play matchmaker with her students by partnering those she thinks would make cute couples together for lab projects, The Daily Mail reports.

Still more teachers admitted to fantasizing about their students.

“I’m a teacher at Monett High School and I can’t get over how hot my female students are,” one wrote.

Another teacher Whispered that “I love it when the boys in my high school show off their boxers.”

“I’m a teacher and I really think that several of my students would f*ck me if there were no consequences for either of us,” another post read.

News of the teacher whispers, of course, prompted irate reactions from readers online.

“If you hate your job so much as a teacher, then get out, go do something else because you are not doing those kids or yourself any good,” tangerinedream posted to The Daily Mail. “They deserve better, and remember they are just kids and not adults!”

“Anonomous should hack this site and out these teachers,” NRCRealist wrote. “If you don’t have thick enough skin to deal with it you shouldn’t be responsible for teaching the next generation.”

Other commenters confirmed similar hateful comments they’ve heard from teachers in person.

“My daughter-in-law is a teacher and I’ve heard her say things like this,” Me NE bit of England wrote.