SAN ANTONIO, Texas – University of Texas at Austin student Dirk Wristers “fought nature to save my car and won.”

Wristers posted the message to Twitter April 13 after he decided to use an aluminum pan to cover his head from hail during a recent storm seconds before a massive lightning bolt touched down.

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He posted the message with a link to a video of the stunt, which has since been re-posted to YouTube and numerous social media sites and featured by the Mirror.

The Mirror reported the student was struck by lightning.

One Reddit user who reportedly witnessed the lightning strike said Wrister’s “thought process was the pan would black the softball sized hail we were getting,” according to the Mirror, “he didn’t think it through …”

The video shows a young man dart out into the rain with a metal pan over his head as at least three other students record video with their phones from a hallway leading out to the parking lot. A split second after Wristers rounds the corner, the thunderous lightning crashes down, setting off car alarms and knocking out the power. Students are heard screaming as the video cuts out.

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Wristers, a medical student in the class of 2021, was dubbed “aluminum pan man” after the incident, but wrote in a follow up Twitter post he made it out of the storm unharmed.

The YouTube video, titled “RIP Aluminum Pan Man” also clarified that the student didn’t actually die.

“No one was harmed in this video!” Marissa Kirsch wrote in posted the video. “Pan man lives!”

The video is now going viral on social media sites, where it’s generating thousands of comments, My San Antonio reports.

“He actually traveled back in time to 1986,” Reddit user esquilax wrote.

“He took 1.21 gigawatts right into his flux capacitor,” poster Uncommentary added.

“You need to check if you got any superpowers,” Gajanan Gaikwad wrote on Twitter. “May be something …”

“I feel bad for laughing,” Angie Burt posted to Facebook. “No metal hats in a thunderstorm.”

“I’m going to use my frying pan as a dying pan,” Grouse memes added.

Chris P. Bacon wrote “this is how superheros are made.”

“He became the flash,” Merry Macamay posted.