MADISON, Wis. – Conservative radio host Vicki McKenna got a feel for the inclusive and equal environment students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison hope to achieve with relentless protests.

The video, posted to the News Talk 1310, shows the reaction of “social justice snowflakes” and “black supremacists” to McKenna’s attempt to record and document a protest against conservative commentator Ben Shapiro’s Wednesday speech about free speech.

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As McKenna panned around a room full of protestors, a large black man quickly makes his way through the crowd and confronts her with his phone in her face, attempting to record her recording.

“Back off, buddy,” McKenna said.

“You back off, you’re recording me so I’m recording you,” he said.

When McKenna repeatedly asked the man to “step backward,” he refused and resigned to shouting in her face.

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“Look at the white supremacist in Madison, Wisconsin,” he repeated.

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A black woman then joined in: “What’s your name? … What’s your name?”

As McKenna panned to record her, the protestor slapped at the camera.

“Don’t put that in my face!” she said.

Moments later, a white man with a lip ring and large dangly earrings attempted to take charge.

“Let’s leave this room now. Let’s leave this room, both of you,” the man said.

“She has just as much of a right to be here as you do,” a man accompanying McKenna shot back.

“Absolutely,” the man replied.

“You disrupted an event tonight, how do you feel about that?” McKenna questioned.

“It needed to happen,” he responded. “Let’s leave this room.”

“How did it feel?” McKenna pressed as the large black man interjected.

“Look at the racist say! Look at the racist say!” he shouted over her. “Back the f*** up white supremacist!”

“You tell me why I can’t be here, but it’s okay for you to disrupt an event. You tell me,” McKenna said, directing her question to the lip ring fellow.

“The presence of this event on this campus is violent,” he said.

A police officer then stepped between McKenna and a growing group of social justice protestors who surrounded her.

“Let’s talk over here,” the officer said.

“Why am I getting shoved away?” she persisted. “I don’t want to talk to you, I want to talk to that man over there.”

“We have to make sure everything is civil,” the officer said as he continued to move her away from the area.

McKenna turned to the camera.

“This is an absolutely amazing thing. … I’m the one person being shoved out of the way here by the police department, and I’m 5’3” and you can tell that I’m scared of that man right there, and you’re shoving me away.”

“I’m scared of you, white supremacist. I’m scared of you,” the large black man shouted over the officers, who stood between McKenna and the protestors and prevented her from continuing her interview.

Numerous black students waived their middle fingers at McKenna over their shoulders.

“Your whiteness scares me,” the black man continued.

“Get this recorded,” McKenna said. “My whiteness scares you?”

“Because she has institutional systemic power. Because you have historically oppressed my people. Because you have the colonial force at your expense,” the black man yelled back, still recording.

“That’s why I’m scared of your white ass,” he said. “And to be honest, I’m not scared.”

The mob of black students then broke into an incoherent chant.

Moments later, the conversation turned to recent murders in the city.

“You murdered them! Your ideology murdered them! Your beliefs murdered them!” the black man screamed. “So you murdered them! You! Murdered! Them!”

When McKenna attempted to speak with the officers blocking her path, and explain why she’s not a threat, a black woman interjected and lobbed profanities and accusations.

“You a typical lying ass white mother***er,” the woman said.

Shapiro, who gave protestors a double middle finger salute, posted about the experience inside on Twitter.

“Apparently I’m being protested tonight at UW-Madison by one white supremacist group and two Black Lives Matter groups,” he wrote. “Sounds about right.”

School officials did little to keep the peace, he said.

“The intrepid administrators at UW-Madison have assigned 3 officers – yes, 3 – for a crowd of over 500, including 3 protest groups,” he wrote.

Others also posted about the ironic protest on Twitter.

“Leftist snowflakes melting down @UWMadison, using their free speech to protest, ironically, a lecture on free speech,” Chad Abbott posted, along with a video of the antics.