WASHINGTON, D.C. – A recent national poll on school choice shows strong support across key demographics, including a majority who approve of President-elect Donald Trump’s plans for national programs.

The American Federation for Children conducted its third annual National School Choice Poll of 1,100 likely voters last week and found a staggering 68 percent support for the concept of allowing parents to choose the educational options that best fit their children’s needs.

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A majority of those polled also supported a variety of alternatives to traditional public schools, including education savings accounts, opportunity scholarships and special needs scholarships.

“In the aftermath of the decisive 2016 elections, school choice remains a bipartisan issue with strong support among key demographics across the country,” AFC board member Kevin Chavous said. “The results of this poll demonstrate that the public is ready to change the education status quo and allow children and families to customize their education to meet their unique learning needs.”

The 2017 poll showed overall support for school choice remaining around 70 percent over the last three years. It included support from 84 percent of Republicans, 55 percent of Democrats, and 67 percent of Independents, as well as majority support among various ethnicities and Millennials.

Seventy-five percent of Latinos backed school choice, as did 72 percent of blacks and 75 percent of Millennials.

“This year’s poll also explored the favorability of school choice proposals that may be introduced in Congress and movement at the federal level,” the Federation reports. “President-elect Trump’s plan to shift $20 billion in funding to school choice received 51% support with 35% opposing. Another proposal to create a scholarship tax credit program was supported by 72% of respondents with 23% opposing.”

The results come as school choice champion and Michigan philanthropist Betsy DeVos prepares for a U.S. Senate confirmation hearing as Trump’s Secretary of Education. DeVos, chair of the AFC and benefactor of the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based West Michigan Aviation Academy charter high school, will appear before the Senate Jan. 17.

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The AFC poll also precedes National School Choice Week, an annual celebration of school choice options coast to coast that will feature well over 21,000 events designed to highlight non-traditional education options like charter schools, private school vouchers, education savings accounts, cyber schools, homeschooling and others.

This year’s National School Choice Week will run from January 22-28, and more than 450 mayors and county leaders have already issued proclamations recognizing the importance of the movement.

NSCW has steadily grown since its creation in 2011 and now features events and special celebrations in all 50 states, as well as on social media with the hashtag #schoolchoice, according to the NSCW website.