LA PORTE, Texas – The rats, roaches and other vermin roaming the halls of La Porte High School are “kind of scary, but we’ve gotten used to it,” senior Alyssa Atilano said.

“Sometimes they’ll fall from the ceilings and run across the room and go back up,” Atilano told KPRC.

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The rat problem has been ongoing for months, but the teen and her parents are raising the alarm after Atilano and other students were more recently forced to seek medical attention for bites from some sort of insect.

“One of my classmates, she has bites all over her legs and her chest and arms,” Atilano said.

“If it were a reverse situation, CPS (Child Protective Services) would be at my house trying to get my children from me because I have them in an area that’s infested with rats and I’m negligent or whatever,” Atilano’s mother, Rachel Davila, told the news site.

Pictures of dead rats and roaches at the school are also drawing scorn online, and district officials are blaming the issues on a massive construction project disrupting the “natural habitat” on campus.

“An extensive construction project of approximately $100 million is currently underway at La Porte High School, where a new science and math classroom building and multi-purpose center are scheduled to open this fall. As a result, the natural habitat has been disrupted, and construction features such as temporary walls are in place in some areas of the school,” district officials said in a prepared statement.

“Our maintenance department aggressively works on pest control and has traps set in inconspicuous places throughout the building. These traps are checked every morning before students arrive and quickly attended to during the day if needed, following all state pest control regulations.”

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District officials alleged they were unaware of the insect issue until a teacher reported the problem last week.

“Last week, one of our La Porte High School teachers made administrators aware of the presence of insects in her classroom. In accordance with Integrated Pest Management regulations, the district sent a sample to the Texas A&M Extension Service, where it has been confirmed to be an insect, and the entomologists agree that it is not associated with rodents,” they wrote.

“The area in which the insects were found has been thoroughly cleaned, and no other areas of the school have been affected.”

For many folks who commented about the situation online, the problem is old news.

“There has been issues like this for far longer than this,” Jessica Tollefsen posted to Facebook. “I graduated in 2009 and there were issues then.”

“This school is disgusting. It’s been like this since my freshman year,” Marcie Rose added. “Rodents falling through the ceiling, mold and God knows what else.”

“Nothing new, it’s been like that always,” Heather Minassian posted.