VANCOUVER, Wash. – Students in Clark County, Washington are taking to Twitter to anonymously confess their latest acts of cheating, drug use, and sexual experiences.

And many of these sexual encounters have allegedly included teachers, reports the Daily Mail.

The Twitter feed, @ClarkFession, was created as a way for teenagers to give out their dirty little secrets without having to face the repercussions.

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It works like this: teenagers will submit confessions and stories to the Twitter account through various social media channels and then the account will anonymously publish these tales on the teen’s behalf.

“It’s like the news of the school right now,” a high school senior told KGW.

While many parents and administrators are concerned with the details about parties, drinking and even orgies, some of the most shocking experiences are those involving teachers.

Here is one troubling example:

Photo Credit to Daily Mail


And another:

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There is even a case where more than one parent supposedly slept with a teacher at the same school:

clark county three


clark county four

The confessions go on and on.

One student at a La Center school admitted to kissing a high school teacher, while another student talked of smacking his teachers’ butt and the teacher responding with a “laugh.”

The distributing accounts by students almost seem too wild to be true, and maybe some of them are, but with the sexual epidemic that has been occurring nationwide, these stories seem more likely.

“I’m sure some of them are true,” a Hudson High School junior told Fox 12. “But maybe people make things up to get retweets and favorites, people will do anything to do that.”

District officials said that they cannot stop the posts and can only monitor them for signs of bullying, reports KING5.

Officials also said that students do not have access to Twitter while on the schools’ network.