COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio union bosses have scheduled a special Columbus screening of Citizen Koch, a far-left revisionist history of Big Labor’s failed attempt to unseat Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker in 2012.

“Behind every Tea Party, there’s a billionaire. Or two,” reads the documentary’s tagline.

After the screening, Ohio Education Association (OEA) President Becky Higgins will speak “about the Koch Brothers attack on public education” during a 30-minute “panel discussion about the Koch Brothers influence in Ohio,” according to an OEA advertisement of the event.

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Ohio Civil Service Employees Association (OCSEA) announced that the panel will also feature “OCSEA President Christopher Mabe; Monica Moran, Director of Public Affairs at SEIU 1199; and Executive Director of Progress Ohio, Brian Rothenberg.”

In addition to its emphasis on Charles and David Koch, whom leftists blame for almost every problem on Earth, Citizen Koch explores the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling — another obsession of union bosses.

“CITIZEN KOCH investigates the impact of unlimited, anonymous spending by corporations and billionaires on the electoral process,” explains the film’s website, which describes Big Labor’s recall campaign against Gov. Walker as “a bi-partisan grassroots movement.”

After more than a year of being vilified over Act 10, a package of reforms to Wisconsin’s government union laws, Walker won his recall election with help from the Kochs and other wealthy conservative donors.

“Progressive” groups funded by unions, billionaire George Soros, and wealthy left-wing foundations have yet to recover.

Now that workers in Wisconsin’s heavily-unionized public sector are free to choose whether to pay union bosses, membership in the state’s public employee unions has cratered. Big Labor is scrambling to stem a tide that has spread to Indiana and Michigan, as well.

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In 2011, legislation similar to Act 10 was overturned in Ohio as the result of a smear campaign led by union front We Are Ohio. Killing the reforms cost unions more than $40 million, including $20 million from outside Ohio.

To union bosses’ dismay, worker freedom legislation — which would let workers opt out of paying union bosses – has since been introduced in the Ohio House, and language for a worker freedom ballot initiative has been approved.

Hosts of the June 25 “Special Labor Screening” of Citizen Koch include Ohio’s most powerful labor unions:

  • Ohio AFL-CIO
  • Ohio Education Association (OEA)
  • Service Employees International Union (SEIU) District 1199
  • Union-funded activist group ProgressOhio
  • We Are Ohio
  • Ohio Civil Service Employees Association (OCSEA)
  • AFL-CIO advocacy group Ohio Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund

No word on whether Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) will be attending, but Reid is present in spirit anywhere two or more leftists gather to rage against the Kochs.

Although OEA and OCSEA are routinely among the top political spenders in Ohio, outrageous underdog rhetoric is central to the union brand.

Case in point: when Michigan enacted worker freedom in December 2012, OEA-run We Are Ohio compared the state’s legislators to the Japanese who bombed Pearl Harbor.

OCSEA is a local of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the country’s second-highest campaign donor since 1989.

OEA is the state affiliate of National Education Association (NEA), the country’s third-highest campaign donor.

Railing against Citizens United hasn’t prevented union bosses from taking advantage of the ruling’s loosened restrictions on funding of nonprofits and political action committees referred to as super PACs, either.

NEA has funneled almost $15 million into its NEA Advocacy Fund super PAC. In the 2014 cycle alone, AFSCME has given more than $2 million to super PACs including AFL-CIO Workers’ Voices PAC.

Authored by Jason Hart